Solastalgia (2021) — Site-specific screendance film, 8’15’’

Direction, production & performance - Florinda Camilleri
Co-direction & co-production - Francesca Mercieca
DOP, post-production, sound design - Niels Plotard
Saxophone - Fah Rouge (Ryan Farrugia)
Title & graphic - Ed Dingli
with the support of Ben Borg Cardona, Pineapple Media

Solastalgia (2021) explores grief emerging when the land which once gave solace no longer does. Director and performer Florinda Camilleri grieves for her homeland of Malta, a small island and European state in the middle of the Mediterranean, which has been radically transformed by land development in the last decade. Seeking to transmute this grief, Florinda places her body in different urban and rural landscapes in an attempt to find her place within them, and rediscover a sense of belonging which has been fractured. She studies these landscapes with curiosity and care, engaging with them as sites of creative potential. Together with collaborators Francesca Mercieca and Niels Plotard,  Florinda seeks to reveal the monstrosity and beauty of the present moment in Malta, by "staying with the trouble” (Haraway, 2016) and asking: what next?